
The Imperial Germans

Dr. Hans Kammler

Dr. Hans Kammler

Dr. Hans Kammler

Updated the 16th of September 2024

Hans Friedrich Karl Franz Kammler (born August 26, 1901 in Stettin) was a German architect, head of construction and armament projects in the Third Reich, SS-Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS. According to the books of Joseph P. Farrell and Stan Wolf, Dr. Hans Kammler was head of the Time Travel Experiments of the Third Reich. Among other things, he was head of the projects Chronos, Lanternbearer and Glocke. There are reports and stories about Dr. Hans Kammler after the war, but none could really be confirmed.


Alex reviews volume 8 "Game Over the future begins" of The Gems of Dominion by Stan Wolf

In this video I review volume 8 of the book series "The Gems of Dominion" by Stan Wolf aka as Wolfgang Stadler. In volume 8 Stan Wolf visits the Bucegi Mountains in Romania, where apparently there are also time anomalies and a base. In the base there is supposed to be a digital library that has stored the entire history of the Earth. In the video I also show an excerpt from an interview I did with Wolfgang Stadler in 2018.

Books 1 and 2 of the Gems of Dominion are available in English:
Book 1 can be bought here: The Gems of Dominion Part 1, Mysterious Mount Untersberg by Stan Wolf
Book 2 can be bought here: The Gems of Dominion Part 2, the Passageways through Time by Stan Wolf
Book 8 can be bought here (German): The Gems of Dominion Part 8 by Stan Wolf


Alex reviews volume 7 "The Blood at the Untersberg" of The Gems of Dominion by Stan Wolf

In this video I review the book, Gems of Dominion Volume 7 "The Blood at the Untersberg". In this book Stan Wolf states that the red river that was created by a landfall at the Unterberg mountain was actually a controlled demolition by Dr. Hans Kammler and his troops. Furthermore Becker states that the global upheavel or global turning will happen soon. Stan Wolf then talks and asks about the existence of a parallel timeline where the Imperial Germans won World War 2.

The book can be bought here (German): The Gems of Dominion by von Stan Wolf

Website of Stan Wolf or Wolfgang Stadler: Stan Wolf Website


Alex reviews volume 6 of The Gems of Dominion by Stan Wolf

Stan Wolf says that he met Dr. Hans Kammler at the Untersberg. Dr. Kammler told Stan that before the end of the war he had a base built in the Untersberg where the flow of time is 300 times slower than out here. That means one day in the station is the same as 300 days out here. In Volume 6, Stan Wolf is invited to a control center where he sees how the RDs monitor the entire world on screens. Dr. Kammler says that the RDs are preparing for the global turning.

The German version of the book can be bought here: The Gems of Dominion Part 6 by Stan Wolf


Alex interviews Wolfgang Stadler a.k.a. Stan Wolf (German)

In this video I briefly discuss volume 10 of the book series "Gems of Dominion" by Stan Wolf or Wolfgang Stadler. At the same time I interview Wolfgang Stadler personally about his experience at the Untersberg. Wolf talks about Becker and the General and says that the global turning is not far away. The RDs are preparing for the great awakening and uprising. Wolfgang says he has traveled with the Time Portal and Dimension Portal over 14 times.

The German version of the book can be bought here: The Gems of Dominion Part 10 by Stan Wolf


Alex reviews the Gems of Dominion volume 5 "Darkness in the Name of the Cross" (German)

In volume 5 of Gems of Dominion, Darkness under the Sign of the Cross, Stan Wolf writes about the witch persecutions in the Middle Ages and in the modern era. Because of his criticism of the church, Stan Wolf's company went bankrupt. He mentions in the book the Hexenkarthothek, the research project of the Third Reich about the witch burnings. He further writes in the book that he went through a dimensional portal and went ashore in Argentina with Two Guard Soldiers from the Station. Stan Wolf says that there are many portals around the world and that in theory anyone could walk through them. The Shadow Government knows about these portals or Stargates and uses it to their advantage. Furthermore, Stan Wolf tells about the 12 churches of Untersberg, which apparently should not exist. He describes beautiful churches and cathedrals with time anomalies.

The German version of the book can be bought here: The Gems of Dominion Part 5 by Stan Wolf


Alex reviews the Gems of Dominion volume 4 "The Golden Ball at the Untersberg"(German)

In volume 4 of Gems of Dominion, the Golden Sphere at the Untersberg, Stan Wolf describes a journey to base 3 of the RDs in the distant past. He goes through the time portal and finds himself on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Here the RDs live with zero-point energy, and wireless energy. All equipment and transportation get free energy. The inhabitants of Base 3 have everything they need to live and are completely autonomous in energy and food. Most of the people here work in research, the guide says to Wolf. The island is protected by a forcefield to thwart off potential attackers. Stan Wolf also writes about another writer who published a similar story in the book "The 9 Unknowns" about the Untersberg Mountain. Dr. Kammler admits that he had already contacted someone once to make this story public. At the end of the book Stan Wolf sees the golden ball at the Untersberg Mountain.

The German version of the book can be bought here: The Gems of Dominion Part 4 by Stan Wolf


Alex reviews the Gems of Dominion Volume 3 "The Isais' Ritual at the Untersberg" (German)

In Volume 3 Stan Wolf is shown the station's energy room and Dr. Kammler says that if he were to recreate it, the energy cartels would very quickly eliminate him. Dr. Kammler says that all these devices will be available worldwide after the global turning. A little later Dr. Kammler shows Stan Wolf the Chronovisor or Chronoscope. With the Chronoscope you can see the past. Stan Wolf looks through the Chronoscope and sees the past of Salzburg. From the steam train around 1920 to the war and troop movements around 1945, Dr. Kammler says that time travel can't change history significantly, only small changes can be made to the timelines. The Shadow Government owns chronoscopes itself and uses these devices for its own benefit. After the global turning and in the New Golden Age everyone will be able to see the past with chronoscopes. Stan Wolf holds an Isais ritual with the Isais Ring at the Untersberg.

The German version of the book can be bought here: The Gems of Dominion Part 3 by Stan Wolf


Alex reviews the Gems of Dominion Volume 2 "The Time Corridors at the Untersberg" (German)

In volume 2 Stan Wolf travels into the past by means of time corridors or portals. He travels to the year 1776 from Salzburg and sees there how the young Mozart works. Stan Wolf also makes a journey through a time corridor into a potential future. There he sees flying discs in the sky. In Volume 2 Stan Wolf describes how he is invited to the station of Kammler to see the Zero Point Generator. The Zero Point Generator has been suppressed by the Satanic elite since the time of Nikola Tesla. After the global turning all these technologies will be available worldwide. The book ends with a quotation from the goddess Sechmet.

The English version of the Book can be bought here: The Gems of Dominion Part 2, the Passageways through Time by Stan Wolf


Alex reviews volume 1 of the Gems of Dominion (German)

In volume 1 of the series Stan Wolf describes how he experienced a time anomaly at the Untersberg. He meets General Hans Kammler who had a station built at the Untersberg by the end of the war. Dr. Kammler explains to Stan that the flow of time in the Untersberg is 300 times slower than out here. Stan Wolf then gets an order from Dr. Kammler to fly to Fuerteventura to get some valuable crystals. The book ends with the blasting of the entrance to Dr. Kammler's base.

The English version of the book can be bought here: The Gems of Dominion Part 1, Mysterious Mount Untersberg by Stan Wolf


Alex about Hans Altmann and the book a German Legend (German)

In this video I discuss parts of the book by Hans Altmann: a German legend. Hans Altmann had contact with the Imperial Germans in his life. He was often visited by the Imperial Germans in his youth and was often taken to a Haunebu. The young German woman Irene visited Hans Altmann in his youth and at an adult age. Hans Altmann made several trips in a Haunebu and flew himself to New Swabia. Once he was even invited to a trip to Mars. This book is available online for free as PDF or Kindle file in German.