
The Imperial Germans



Updated on the 21th September 2023


Photos of the Andromeda Device

The source of this photograph is the Orion Conspiracy Documentary. In this photo you can clearly see an Imperial German Andromeda Device in hovering mode. A Cessna plane can be seen on top and an antenna before the space ship. On the horizon you can see trees and houses. It is the webmaster’s belief that the producer of the Orion Conspiracy Documentary actually published real photos in its video.

Details of the Andromeda Device here: Andromeda Device Schematics

Andromeda Green

The source of this photograph is the Orion Conspiracy Documentary. In this photo you can see an Imperial German Andromeda Device flying next to a passenger plane.

Details of the Andromeda Device here: Andromeda Device Schematics

Andromeda Blue

The source of this photograph is again the Orion Conspiracy Documentary. This photo was again taken from a vantage point that makes it more than possible to have taken this picture. It is cold and snowy backgrounds, presumable it is the South Pole. The Imperial Germans claimed New Swabia in 1939 and built up a base there for ongoing operations.

Details of the Andromeda Device here: Andromeda Device Schematics

Andromeda Blue

Andromeda Green

Photographs of an RD Andromeda device and dinghies in Rhode Island, New York on July 4, 1967

Andromeda Green

Joseph Ferrier, a chemist from the USA who was walking around Cumberland, Rhode Island, observed an Andromeda device. He took several photographs and watched a Haunebu flying out of the mothership. The Andromeda device then turned 90 degrees upwards and shot upwards at high speed.

Andromeda Device and Dinghies

Photo of the Vril Odin in flight

The source of this photograph is the book "Unternehmen Aldebaran" from Jan Udo Holey. This photograph was made in April of 1945.

Vril Odin

Artists depiction of the Haunebu IV

A Haunebu 4 flying to space from Earth.

Haunebu 4 art

Haunebu 4 flying through an asteroid field.

H3 Art 1

Haunebu 4 arriving in the Aldebaran star system, meeting two Star Destroyers.

H3 Art 2

Artists depiction of the Haunebu IV

Haunebu 4 artist's depiction. It could transport entire crews and was meant for interstellar travel.

Haunebu 4

Artists depiction of the Haunebu III

Three Haunebu 3s flying through the skies!

H3 Art 1

A Haunebu 3 parked on the ground.

H3 Art 2